it's graffiti heckling.
you'll need to click the photo to enlarge it. it reads:
"go to school. learn how to spell and draw. gang members suck at drawing."
i think this is the best thing i'll ever see on a train platform.
i'm still trying to figure out what the crown means. at first i thought latin kings, but then some research led me to the information that the latin kings tend to use 5-pointed crowns.
so, it's still quite the mystery.
Posted by donna at February 6, 2005 05:31 PM
Two Two Boys
Black, Light Blue and Brown & Beige
Mostly Latino and White
TT's, 22nd
One symbol is a shield with a four point crown and the other symbol is two lines with a dot above each line. Set at 22nd Place & California has colors of Brown and Beige, which were their original colors.
Status: Endangered Species
check out
Posted by: Pimp at February 21, 2005 11:11 PM