August 21, 2005

mushy peas on a hot dog

my first stop in sydney was to harry's cafe de wheels to get a hot dog de wheels. it's by far the strangest dog i've ever had. the dog itself is less firm than the all-beef dogs i'm used to in chicago - this had a texture like a knackwurst. it's served on a plain hot dog bun, and then topped with garlic onions, chilli con carne, cheese, chilli sauce, and mushy peas! yes, mushy peas!

it's a challenge to eat in and of itself - you can see from the photo it's served with a fork, but when you add a blustery day and no tables, it becomes a logistical nightmare to get this dog into your mouth. regardless, i found a way, and man, i'm a fan of mushy peas on hot dogs!

harry's is right on the water in wooloomooloo and next to the w hotel where russel crowe apparently spends his time.

i plan on making another trip to harry's to try a curry tiger before i leave.

more info at

Posted by donna at August 21, 2005 04:17 AM