January 20, 2008

three kinds of bread and a waffle.

more breads

here we have french bread in two shapes, brioche parisenne(ludicrous amounts of butter in this – so good!), and banana bread.

this time, all of the bread was made with our trusty stand mixer, but i can't help but wonder how long it would've taken to mix all that butter into the brioche by hand. i'd guess it might take over an hour.

i'm personally not very fond of banana bread, but i have to admit that i think this one is quite nice. maybe because it's not as banana-y as most banana breads.

nothing particularly exciting to report about the making of these breads, except that the peel for getting the french breads in and out of the oven was the size of a full sheet pan - and quite awkward to maneuver.

oh, and the waffle... it never made it into the photo, but it looked like a waffle, had rum in it-among 11 other ingredients, and was so delicious i ate it before i could even get a photo of it.

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Posted by donna at January 20, 2008 10:52 AM

could you seriously make me some banana bread and fedexit to me :) i'll be glad to conduct any tastings and provide fair opinions...

Posted by: zackpe at January 21, 2008 08:41 AM