today at 11am at the chicago chocolate company near halsted on randolph, i witnessed the st. valentine's day chocolate massacre.
it was hosted by the international federation of competitive eating
bob, steev, and i arrived at about 10.59 and ran up the stairs to the tiny room as the coundown to the start was being chanted... 9, 8, 7...
as expected, chicago's own pat bertoletti took first place, and ate nearly two pounds of chocolate heart-shaped bars in seven minutes... one minute for each man slain in the other famous st. valentine's massacre. perhaps they should've held this event at the retirement home that stands at the site of that massacre now.
there were more press there than actual people, but i took photos and movies anyways, and you can see them here.
afterwards, we went to the twisted spoke and i massacred a harp and a pulled-pork sandwich.